Rob Bryceson

  The Street - The City - The Kingdom

Leading At The Intersection Of

Christian Ministry

Community Development

Entrepreneurial Business

And Civic Engagement

Storyteller, Public Speaker, Author, Pastor, Consultant

About Rob

A Catalytic Visionary, Inspiring 
And Teaching Others 
 To Create New Possibilities 
 For Living For Christ 
And His Kingdom!
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Lessons From A Church In Zombie Land

The true story of how Rob was transplanted from an affluent area of California and, through a shocking twist of events, was found serving in a downtown church among the homeless, addicted, broken and afflicted. The radical change it produced in and the church is a dramatic, humorous, and thought-provoking story.
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Rob has a unique way of looking at the World. He is culturally relevant, compassionate to the needs of all people, and grounded biblical truth.

- Dee Marie Massey radio host Shine 104.9 FM

Rob is a warm and inviting guest. I appreciated his conversational style and the way he can make any part of scripture easily understood.

 - Chris Wright, former Program Director KMBI, Moody Radio Spokane, 107.9 FM


I first heard Rob Bryceson at the American Academy of Arts & Sciences in Cambridge, Massachusetts as part of an impressive lineup of contributors from across the country sharing stories about civic engagement and democratic citizenship. Among a host of dynamic and engaging speakers, Rob’s talk about his experiences with his church and with the city stood out as the most compelling of the day. A gifted, charismatic speaker, Rob is a master storyteller who does more than merely stage a memorable performance; he is the type whose words have the potential to transform communities.

-  D. Berton Emerson, Ph.D. Whitworth University

Make Sure You Check Out Rob's Blog at The Top

The Gathering House Church 
Church, Coffee Shop, Event Center, and Community Hub

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